Tuesday 8 February 2011



9-2006: Submitted to Journal of The Interdisciplinary Crossroads
Allahabad Association for Historical and Cultural Studies;
192-B Allenganj, Allahabad 211002 India www.jic.in/
Submitted by Iona Miller iona_m@yahoo.com

11,520 word feature – Category: Mythopoesis, Metahistory

Abstract: The pre-scientific philosophical (Platonic) and archetypal (Biblical; Vedic, gnostic, pagan, etc.) notion of a Demiurge (cosmic maker or shaper) or creator-god can be contemporized in terms of the deterministic, self-organizing dynamics of Chaos Theory. “In the beginning” was Chaos, the negentropic Source. The creative edge of chaos is implicated in the creation of the universe, as well as in human creativity and learning processes. We propose a universal theory of creativity emerging from chaos theory.

The most primordial aspect of creation, the Demiurgic Field (DUF) as continuous creation, underlies and continues to influence energic/material and psychic processes. The DUF is cosmic “zero,” the negentropic source of emergent order or ground state – the source of physical manifestation and our psychophysical being. We can employ procedures to connect with this source of inspiration and renewal in a holistic manner. An organic, rather than mechanistic, paradigm for shaping modern culture and creative lifestyles emerges.


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. --Albert Einstein


Its Patterning Role in Chaos, Creation, and Creativity

By Iona Miller (USA) and Paul Wildman, Ph.D. (AUST.)

Abstract: The pre-scientific philosophical (Platonic) and archetypal (Biblical; Vedic, gnostic, pagan, etc.) notion of a Demiurge (cosmic maker or shaper) or creator-god can be contemporized in terms of the deterministic, self-organizing dynamics of Chaos Theory. “In the beginning” was Chaos, the negentropic Source. More than a metaphor, the creative edge of chaos is implicated in the creation of the universe, as well as in human creativity and learning processes. We propose a universal theory of creativity emerging from chaos theory.

The most primordial aspect of creation, the Demiurgic Field (DUF) as continuous creation, underlies and continues to influence energic/material and psychic processes. The DUF is cosmic “zero,” the negentropic source of emergent order or ground state – the source of physical manifestation and our psychophysical being. We can employ procedures to connect with this source of inspiration and renewal in a holistic manner. An organic, rather than mechanistic, paradigm for shaping modern culture and creative lifestyles emerges.

Subtle fluctuations in this creative ground state (DUF) may be pumped up by the ‘butterfly effect’ into perceivable effects. The human neurosystem may be responsive to fluctuations at the level of a single quantum. Shaking the system a little can jolt a sub-optimal state, causing it to roll down to a deeper hollow in the energy landscape (chreode), representing a better solution. Demiurgic intentionality acts through the medium of nature much like our human creative intentionality works as artificer on or through a medium.

We suggest chaotic excitability is a universal sense organ. The linkage mechanism of DUF to archetype to human perception or response may be a combination of fractal chaos and quantum mechanical fluctuation, patterned by the metaphysical virtual field ‘intentionality’ through chaotic excitability. Adaptation is actually a holistic model of a consciousness-expanding process (DUF), involving the mutual interaction of self-reflection and self-correction (shaping) at the individual and collective levels of our existence. The same essential dynamics that gave rise to the birth of the universe and evolution govern human creativity and learning.

Keywords: Disciplinary interface, chaos theory, negentropy, creativity, typology, archetypes, values and ethics, Demiurgic Field, creation myths, information theory, sustainable lifestyles, learning, holism, depth psychology, transpersonal psychology, metaphors, paradigm shift, physics, complexity, cross-cultural mythopoesis, imagination, vacuum potential, zero-point energy, quantum foam, noetics, heuristics, consciousness studies.

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